Teaching and Learning

in a 2nd grade classroom

Guinea Pig


Today we met our new class pet. Her name is Simone.  She is a guinea pig.  When we had snack, she had snack too.  She ate red bell peppers, cucumbers, and apples.

Click on the pictures below for a larger view.

For more information about Guinea Pigs, go to Guinea Pig Care

“Larger than hamsters, but smaller than rabbits, guinea pigs can weigh a couple of pounds and generally live for five to seven years. The three most common breeds of guinea pig are the Smooth-Coated, with short, glossy fur; the Abyssinian, whose hair grows in fluffy tufts all over the body, and the Peruvian, with long, silky hair that flows to the ground”

*Can you tell which type of guinea pig Simone is from the description of the three different breeds? Type a response if you think you know.  Explain your answer.

To find out about the sounds that guinea pigs make and what the make click on Guinea Pig Sounds

*What are you wondering about her? do you know anything about guinea pigs that you can share? Write a comment.

by posted under 2012-2013 Newsletter | 2 Comments »    
2 Comments to

“Guinea Pig”

  1. September 18th, 2012 at 8:22 pm      Reply James Says:

    “I think it is the Smooth coated because that is the one that has short hair which Simone has ” says James.

  2. September 19th, 2012 at 2:48 pm      Reply mpike12 Says:

    James, I agree with your answer. But did you notice that she has a fluffy tuft of hair on her head? Hmmm…

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